If you've ever felt like you needed a change, wanted more out of life, or had a desire to try more things in your small amount of time here, then this episode will really excite you. Gaby Cevallos is a life design strategist and is passionate about helping people create the roadmap that helps them live life to the absolute fullest and create the changes and shifts that they need when they need them.
In this episode, she's sharing her own story of creating a life lived full out and how you can do it too. We'll talk all about what this life design framework looks like, how to know if you're ready for a change, and how to take the leap to create the happiness you're craving.

👂 Here's what you can expect to hear in this episode:
Gaby's story of creating a life that lights her up
How to come back to yourself and learn to live fully
What life design is and how this framework will help you make the most of what life has to offer
How to create the roadmap when you're feeling unaligned and need a change
📘 Resources
Connect and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs who understand your creative path in the Recess for Creatives community.
Last chance to join Human and be part of a 4 week personal brand accelerator that will help you cultivate a community rooted in your true essence.
👩 About the Guest
Gaby Cevallos is a life design strategist and the creator of The Life Experiment - the first social project in Ecuador that innovates personal development and life coaching, making it more attractive and accessible by using methodologies such as Life Design, Positive Psychology and Design Thinking.
Connect with Gaby on Instagram
Check out The Life Experiment
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